My Cacti has a story. Almost 8 years ago I found this cacti along side my street. Someone had threw it out, on the side of the road. It only had one tiny trunk and half of that was not looking too good. She had been through a lot and I knew that I could help to save her and bring it back to life.
See, I told you there was a Cacti in there. Ok, back to the story. I picked it up and took it home. I put it in a pot and it just Several years lated we moved into our own home an
d it needed some TLC , so I told my husband," That I was going to plant her outside. We Planted it outside our window. She didn't seem to like the spot so much. Than my dh had this idea to replant her. So we moved her next to the garden.
This again proved to be a bad choice. Everyone ran over her. Though she bloomed last summer. The winter and early spring proved to be almost to hard on her. She was almost rotting/dying. Here is the picture story of her recovery:
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