Gus and Daddy! 10 years ago. Where does the time go! Those precious bit of time ! I remember the day he was born. I felt so overjoyed. I felt so confident and proud! Now, I wish I would of required about the instruction manual!
Here is Gus today! I never thought, when I had him that he would be almost 14, so fast! He is a happy kid, well adjusted and for sure a teenager. The greatest job and the most challenging role I have ever had or
We finally found an eye doctor for Gus and were told some sad and hard news. At the time it was easy, because I had thought something really bad, so now that it's all kind of sunk in, at times we have been having a hard time with it. Jerry and I that is. Gus not so much. He is so strong about his eye. "Mom, it's fine!" he tells me. I wish I had the innocence of a child. Maybe, it's strength!
His left eye is dying the doctor told us. This happens when there is not a lens. No, sense of him wearing one now, because there is way too much scaring tissue, the doctor tells us. He will one day have to get a fake eye.
We now just watch it as he grows and it dies. He seems so well adjusted about his eye today. Jerry and I are not. Jerry worries how he will feel later on in life. I am fine one day and than the next I feel so sad and guilty that I should of done something.
I see his strength and his innocence and feel proud to be called his mom! We will get through this and I feel that Gus will be stronger because of what he has had to go through because of his eye. He can see perfectly in his right. He can drive and do anything any other kid can. He will just have to wear glasses and one day get a fake eye. It's going to be ok!