Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Found Treasures, Treasure Galore

Ribbons, elastic, yarn and lace so many from my favorite store Habitant for Humanity in Cornelius. Autumne and I found all these yards and yards of it. It's hard to tell how much, but it's all so exciting!! Aprons, purses, bottles, bags and bloomers and skirts. The possibilities are endless! Looking forward to making and sharing all my creations!

Mom and Autumne and Summit Coffee Shop

The look of Hot Chocolate Bliss

The look of Why a picture in my moment of Mate Zen.

Worm Hunting or Saving

The rain has come and come and come. We are all feeling it one way or another. My daughter, Autumne and I take a walk to store on this wet wet Saturday. We see tons and tons of
worms . . . . drowning! I feel like I did as a kid. I am on a mission I am going to save the worms.

Dandelions are so huge. The rain must be good for some of us. Can't wait to and collect some and make dandelion jelly.
Make some tinctures for my family.