Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best of Buds

Autumne reading a story to Jazzy
He loves her so much!

They are the sweetest kids!

Our Habitant

Here's some of my Crows eating brunch. They come everyday!
I took this while it rained so it's not the best. But it captures the birds eating.

We have a little hummingbird that comes and feeds. He's so funny. He goes to the bird feeder than the tomatoes and each and every flower in the garden than comes to the feeder and back around the yard again he goes and finally stops and eats for awhile. I tried to get a picture, but Mr. hummingbird is much to fast for my picture taking!

One of my crow eating!

I think we've gradulated from Curious George

He is growing up so fast! Seems like just yesterday the rage was all about Curious George. Everywhere we had to find George. Now we have graduated to Spiderman Comics. And with the comic he has to wear his favorite t-shirt. The super hero's!

Have to have my comic book to put me to sleep!

He looks so grown here of course Jazz man has to have that comic with him
Nothing puts the boy to sleep more than his dog and comic book!