Saturday, August 8, 2009

some more creative ideas

I made this apron for my dear friend Gina! Now Autumne and Gina both have this great vintage fabric. I was even lucky enough to give it to Gina in person, YEA YEA Lucky me!!!

Made this journal. It's made from an old cookbook. I covered it weaved the inside and made a bookmark. The cover is made out of a tank top someone gave me. It was a bit snug, but now it fits perfectly!!!

I started this apron in January when I came for the last visit to me dad. Finally got it done. I love it, It's now my favorite!! I stitched the hearts on and the front pocket too!

Being Creative

Made an apron for Autumne. It's vintage fabric and I added a few extra things on it too!

Autumne little purse. It's made from a jean pocket, All hand sewn!

I designed this top! I feel cool with some femininty

Jazzy's snack bag! Again some vintage fabric!

Tara little purse! My mom showed me how to take a handkerchief and made a purse out of it. I had extra gingam and than made a chap stick bag to match.

Harvest of our Labor

My Poke Berry brush. I was so, I am so excited to use the berries to dye some wool. Hopefully, the birds will leave me just a wee bit! They seem so love them!
This little pink flower came up in my garden, haven't a clue what it may be! But it's beautiful, that's really the only important part.

The 3 dangerous plants. Poke berry because it's poisonous, the Cati because it hurts horribly if you get poked, and the mother plant, it's very spiritual to me, but it's very picky!

Here is our cabbage. Jerry harvested the cabbage for Lammas. It was so tasty! Also were harvested for Lammas

Our tomatoes! Everyday I go out there and yummy yummy tomatoes, small but unbelievable good!

My Passion flower is finally looking beautiful after the demise of the Japanese beetles.

Down to Basic's: Simplifing the dream, See it, Believe it, watch it happen

The other day I was hanging out my clothes and thinking. Wow! I wanted to live my life like Mary Jane from Mary Jane's Farm. It seems like that is what I am doing.
My friend Allison, showed me this book called, " Mary Jane's Outpost" I fell in love with this book and, the idea of the image of this back to basics kind of life. I saw the simplicities of her life and wanted that for my life. I wanted to be self- sufficient and be able to be creative. Thus began our journey of simplifying our life.
I started making my own laundry soap.
Well, we choose to order a part for the washer to see if we could fix it. I emailed the repair clinic and they offer 3 reasons and suggested ordering the how to book. So we ordered one off Amazon for $10.00 CHEAPER, so now we are waiting until we get the book to HOPEFULLY fix the washer! This is our new washer. Make a note ; Need wash board!

outside basket for hanging up the clothes.
Here are my clothes. No!! my dryer is not broken. I am just hanging out!! I love to hang my clothes out evem though it's against the rules. Lowers the properity values, they say! I say "Oh, well!

My Roses/Dad's

These are my roses from my dad. He had a passion for roses. I remember growing up and he would be out there every summer babying those roses. He had 8 brushes along the fence that separated the 2 houses. I never really appreciated them until he died and than they became special to me. When we got back from the memorial they didn't look to good. This one had the most and it was only about 4 leaves and I had to cut it back so much I was worried it would die. It is doing so amazingly, can't wait until next year and they will be gorgeous! This is my dad's memorial rose. I made a memorial out of a brick. That sits in front of the rose.
This one had 3 leaves and now it's so full of leaves! YEA YEA!

This is a climbing rose! When we got back it had zero, just grey brown trunk. I am so happy it's looking so good!


For this year's Lammas we used our pumpkins and made, well Autumne made some scrumptious muffins with raisins and Cinnamon, cardamon, molasses and a few more ingredients. Than she made a sauce from the pumpkins we had 2 and one more we still growing. Autumne is such a creative little baker. She amazes each day with her creative baking abilities.
Here's the pumpkin sauce.

Here is our altar. The gourds are from our garden. The rest are done!

Jerry's B-day

For Jerry's Birthday we told him it was his day to relax. This is not an easy task for my husband at all. He has an autopilot that tells him to be stress, guess it's helpful in getting things done!. We gave him his gifts and told him he could spend the morning reading, so he did.

He finished his book he was reading, on his b-day. His goal was by the end of the summer . . . .he made it!!! He was reading the history of oil, an 800 page book. I would of given up long time ago, but he finished it. Jazzy couldn't resist takin a snooze too!

Jerry took some time to play the guitar. He put himself to sleep!