Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Turtle along the Way

We were walking from the doctor's visit and we were so surprised to see this little guy crossing the street. At first we thought it was our long lost turtle, but we soon realized No it wasn't!

He's hiding, can you see her?

He was so cute. This is a fairly busy road, so I helped him to cross over to the save side.

Safe at last! Bye! Thanks for making our day Mr. turtle! It's in the simple and small little things that make a difference in life

Xray arm is growing

It's amazing how our body repairs itself. this circle shows the bone that has grown. She has a new body part! Her wrist is still weak and a bit on the sore side. New bone has grown. Wow! I find it was amazing and beautiful that we are so remarkable to grow new body parts and have to develop strength too. Truly amazing!!!
Today, 8/11/09 Autumne gets her cast off! To the coffee shop for some treat to drink!
The moment has come . . . . . . . Autumne was so excited to get her hand back again!

This is dirt. She had it cleaned up at the doctor's office, but there was so much left.
When we got home Jerry looked at it and than felt it and said," Autumne, Wow you really have a hairy arm! DadI that's not hair, that's dirt! Uck! he said!

She told me, "Mom I have to keep it!" The doctor said that after a few days it would really start to stink. Come to think of it . ... . . I haven't seen it, and there was this smell, NO! not my sweet little Autumne!