Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Journey of the lemon that bite back

Here's my nephew, David. He wanted to be like little brother Steven so he ate it. and the story continues with the biting lemon.

Lemons do interesting things to your face.

David loved eating lemons.

One Armed Sugar Cookie

Autumne eating a sandwich with one hand!? But why would she eat like that? Yes, that's it roller blades without the gear on can lead to PAIN!

Autmne slowly, like molasses is gaining some respect for being a one armed bandit!
This couldn't be Atutumne swimming, could it be. I know it's her twin! Aunt Karen split her arm up.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Way home to Cornelius, Norht Carolina

A few treasures along the way. We stopped at this nature preserve and found some treasures.
Here is a bird nest of some sort,

A beautiful spider that kept playing hide and seek. He was a bit camera shy, but I convinced him otherwise.

The gang heading back. Tara is sick. Little did we know she have pneumonia. Poor baby!

Autumne, Katie and the little man Jazzy

Group connections

Autumne. Katie and Tara making a explosive plan of action for the boys.

I love this picture of the 4 of us. Autumne, Tara, Katie and Myself .

Maggie and her pillows, Joy and Buddha.

Tara, Autumne, Katie , Steven and Gus all sit together and pose

Snuggle Time. . . . It's chilly, here in Port Huron, Michigan. It's already the second week of June too!

Family Time in Michigan

Katie and Maggie! My beautiful nieces.

Grammy, Aunt Tracy and Jazzy. Jazzy picks out his cookies. Hoping for all 'cept 2 are for his cousins,he tells me! Those are for Katie and Autumne, but can I have it now!

The boys, Karen and my man. Karen, Tyler, Jerry, Neighbor kid, David and Gus. It's so nice to see David with that beautiful smile! Jerry of course contemplating always! Gus figuring out some Gus plan!

Sherry, Tracy and her Daughter Maggie. Is that a super model, No it's just my niece!

Katie, on the rode again! Back to Michigan to visit for a week!