Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Growth, Changes and Transformations of my Family

Jazper is now 5. Still missing those 2 front teeth, but soon they should be growing. Jazzy is full of energy. Full of smiles , silliness, and wildness.My sensitive and intuitive little woman, full of deep thoughts and spirituality.
Autumne growing and changing into a beautiful young woman, where does the time go. Full of deep care and connection of those she loves.
August the talented music man. He has grown and as the years pass, it's hard to tell who is who. Dad and son don't fall far from the tree or something like that.
My funny sweet grandson, Ikaya. Comes for a visit summer time and we so enjoy his company. Like one of the kids, just fits in. Looks like his mom and Uncle Jerr.

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